Rat, safe outside the clutches of his enemies, chuckled, for
Phipps did look so funny. :

Phipps in his distress did not know what to do He
couldn't hang there very long. He couldn't drop without
hurting his back. What could he do? It was veo trying
to a dog of his nature.

Nobody, not even ‘Phipps himself, can tell how he ever
got down. He yelped and yelped, which proved that his
neck was not broken. But his yelps showed that he was
hurt. Certainly his pride was. Philo was a sort of Job's
comforter. His advice was: 3

“Never try to catch a rat,
When he’s up so high as that.”

HARK! Hark! Oh iy children, hark!
When the sky has lost its blue,

What do the stars sing in the dark ?
“We must sparkle, sparkle, through.”

What do leaves say in the storm, » |
Tossed, in whispering heaps, mowetnere

“We can keep the violets warm, :
Till they wake 1 in fairer ees aoe

What do coe ee say
Flitting through the gloomy yee B
_ “We must sing the gloom away— -
— Suin or shadow, God is good,”

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