not be found. We felt no anxiety about him, however, as
he had done the same before. oc
« Well, that same afternoon, just when it was getting dark,
as I stood at the door, I saw a dog emerge from the woods .
_with something in his mouth. I ran in and told my father,
as I thought it was some strange dog stealing the game, but
when we came out there stood Hector carrying triumphantly
the lost hare in his mouth. I was surprised and delighted,
but my joy was damped by the thought that the hare was
sure to:-be dead. But no, I found it was alive and all right.
Hector had slipped from his chain, scented the hare, followed
it up, and brought it home.” ;


() SILLY little ducklings, |
At play amid green peas,
You'll, perhaps, be cooked and eaten
~ Some day with such as these. |

“ What's this?” one duckling cackles,
Peering at a shell.
If you knew his language

Would you like to tell?

It would seem so cruel—
Let him wonder then! —
Ducks can’t read the future

Any more than men.