Presently there was a sound. Tom wasn't surprised, for he
knew nobody could take all that water, and the contents of a —
bottle, and not feel ill. But that sound was too cheerful to —
mean pain. Each asked, “ What is it?”

Tabby, Tom, Tiny, and Tim thought and thought, and
listened and listened, and purred and pte |

Then all settled themselves on the table except Tiny whe
didn’t wish to be too near. Suddenly something began
coming out of that object. They wished for a moment they
were on the floor but they tried to look brave.

“That looks like something I saw coming out of people's
mouths last winter when they walked out on very cold days,”
said Tom.

“That looks like what comes here smokes,” said

“T saw a lot of that when Meer dumped the boiling
clothes into a tub,” said Tim.

“T guess that's acloud and it’s going upto the sky,” said Tiny.

“Tf that is so,’ said Tom, “then that thing must be a
machine for making clouds.’

i Perhaps it is a new kind of stove, for it is making’ me
warm, said Tim.

Tabby Satay lpetcn tea ee, cause it has more than
two feet.”

Tom said, “It may be a new pet of Mrs. B's, but it can't
play with us, for it has neither fur nor tail.” |

Mrs. B: saw their curious looks, and said, “So you ne
it is fine, too, do you?”

But she never told them that it was merely a five o'clock
ecm cuties |