“Oh, Susie, oh, Susie! wouldn’t you like to go

Way up in de mountains?

Dar’s whar de river flow,

Oh, de hills an’ de mountains will all pass away,
An’ you will have a new heart again some other day!”

The music ceased with a broken sob; Royal leaned his head against the
banjo; his tears fell over the strings. ‘‘What’s the matter? Poor fellow!
Are you sick? Is it that you are so awfully poor? Never mind, I'll help you
some.” ;

“| mighty po’, lady; dat why I ’bleege tocome heahan’ pick up a few cents
to-day; but dat ain’t troublin’ me now. You must ’scuseme. Roy’l heart too
heavy. Hs can’t singnomo. Of, my lil Susie! dat onlies lamb de Lawd send
me after all my mis'ry,—she lyin DAID at home!”