Eniniz Povursson,


Sen aces |S e



Cornetta C. Roxsxe.





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Hs ae gie Wig and Pig-gie Wee,








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Baoeeaigaase soegee ee






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Hun-grypigs as pigs ceuld be, For their din-ner had towait | Downbehind the barn-yard gate.






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2 Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee
Climbed the barn-yard gate to see,
Peeping through the gate so high,
But no dinner could they spy.

8 Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee
Got down sad as pigs could be;
But the gate soon opened wide

And they scampered forth outside.


4 Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee,
What was their delight to see
Dinner ready not far off —

Such a full and tempting trough!

5 Piggie Wig and Piggie Wee,
Greedy pigs as pigs could be,
For their dinner ran pell-mell ;
In the trough both piggies fell.