A Day with the Sea Urchins. 41 In the centre of the hall rose a dome, looking up into which was like looking up to the blue summer sky from the bottom of a narrow shaft or dry well, so intensely . and duskily blue was it. From this dome seemed to come the wonderful light which filled the place. How it really came, or from whence, I could not tell, it was like a luminous cascade of soft iridescent light. It seenied to me that no further decoration could be needed, but the Urchins thought otherwise, for they were _ rapidly weaving long rainbow-hued garlands which they linked from pillar to pillar. Next a throne was carried in, which was carved throughout from mother-of-pearl, and which shimmered and shone in such a dazzling manner, that 1 could scarcely look at it, standing as it did immediately beneath the great dome. Then variously coloured seaweed was arranged in patterns on the floor for some distance round the throne, till it looked like the most gorgeous Turkey carpet ever seen, When this was’ finished the banquet was spread. All this time shoals of Sea Urchins had been pouring in from different directions, for the news of the Queen’s intended visit had spread far and wide; and as fast as they came they fell to work in a most business-like manner to arrange the feast. Of what this was composed I do not pretend to say. - I. can only assure you, that I never before saw things that looked so good to eat, the dishes were all of mother-