LLNEY ran as fast as her little fat legs could carry

|, her down the beach, away from mammy. Now
Wp mammy was old, and, though she called, coaxed,
and threatened her darling, she could not win
anything more than a backward look now and then; and a
gleeful laugh was her only reply as she cried, “ Now, honey,
don’t make po’ ole mammy run after yo’... Yo’ gwine mek po’


ole mammy cry if yo’ run away from ’er.”

Presently mammy tried another way. “Mammy ain’t
gwine no furder; she gwine to set right down hyar, an’ Olney
has to come back alone.” And down she sat.

Olney stopped and surveyed her gravely from a distance ;
but being pretty sure from past experience that mammy
would not go away, she ran on with her little spade in her
hand, every now and then looking over her shoulder to see

if mammy were still sitting in the same spot. Presently the