Then the Princess told him the story of her life.
“When I was born,” said she, “my father summoned
all the wise men to him, and asked them how long
I should live; and they told my parents that until
my fifteenth year I should live happily, but that
then some evil should befall me; upon hearing this
my father ordered this house to be built, and when
I was ten years old he placed me here. My parents
visit me from time to time, and a servant is given
to attend upon me. My mother will be here in a
week’s time; tarry, dear Prince, until then, and
cheer my solitude.”

Prince Malandrach readily consented, and the
time passed quickly in various amusements and
conversation; until one day the Princess saw her
mother coming towards the palace to visit her.
Then she called to Malandrach, and begged him
instantly to depart; but just at the instant when
he had fastened on his wings and was flying out of
the window, the old Queen observed him; and
astonished at the sight, she asked her daughter

what it meant, and she pressed her so with en-