“O, I forgot all about that,” replied the
little teacher, uneasily. “Susy ll be done
practising in half an hour, and I thought I’d
just have time to make my doll’s boots, —-
finish them, J mean. Can’t you wait till
Saturday, Dotty?”

“O, my suz, Prudy Parlin! When I get
to be a great sister to you, I won’t treat you
so. I want to get my letters all smooth
done to-day, — don’t want to wait till Sat-

At any other time Prudy would have
been gratified to see Dotty show so much

“Be kind to thy sister,” hummed the gen-

tle little teacher. “Yes, I will. I’m always
glad after I’ve been kind. Nothing makes
me love Dotty so well as to try to please

“Now,” said she, calling her school to