true as you live, that thing that's nopping
along beside her is a dog!”

The little figure now approached very
slowly, its head bent down, its fingers in
its mouth; though the girls saw nothing
but a big, drooping bonnet, a purple shawl,
and a pair of tiny feet peeping out from a
red dress.

“TI guess she came from Farther India,”
suggested Susy, that being the most foreign
land she could think of.

Dotty now gave a loud knock at the gate,
and peeped in between the bars. In doing
so she had to push back the chaise-top,
and the little girls had a full view of her

“QO, Dotty Dimple Parlin!” screamed
her sisters, in dismay.

Fanny Harlow hastened to open the gate.

* Where did you come trom, you naughty