LEEWARD ISLANDS. ANTIGUA. STATUPORY RULES AND ORDERS. 1956, No. 16. Proclamation dated May 25,1956, bringing into operation the Interpretation of Laws Act, 1896 (Repeal) Ordi- nance, 1956 (No. 18 of 1956). BY THE GOVERNOR. A PROCLAMATION. Avec LOVELACE, Administrator. WHEREAS by section 3 of the Interpretation of Laws. - Act, 1896 (Repeal) Ordinance, 1956 (No. 13 of 1956) it is provided that the said Ordinance shall come into operation on such day as the Governor may appoint by proclamation in the Gazette: NOW ?SAEREFORE, |, Avec Lovenace, a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Administrator of the Presidency of Antigua, do by this my proclamation declare that the said Ordinance shall come into operation on the Ist day uf July, 1956. AND «il Her Majesty’s loving subjects in the Presidency of Antigua und all others are hereby required to take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly. OIVEN at the Administrator's Office, Anuigua, this 25th day of May, 1956 in the fifth year of Her Majesty’s reign. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ! ANTIGUA. Printed at the Government Printing «fice. Leeward Islauds. by EAru Pigott Acting Government Printer.— By Authority. 1956. A. 47/127—480 —5.56 [Price 3 vents. |