No. 9 of 1956. Prison (Amendment). HLS] I ASSENT, Kk. W. Biackpouryg, Governor. 28th May, 1956. MONTSERRAT. No. 9 of 1956. An Ordinance to amend the Prison Ordinance, 1955. (By Proolamation | ENACTED by the Legislature of Mont- serrat. 1. This Ordinance may be cited as the Prison (Amendment) Ordinance, 1956, and shall be read as one with the Prison Ordinance, 1955, hereinafter referred to as the Principal Ordi- nance, 2. Section 14 of the Principal Ordinance is hereby repealed. MoNTSERRAT, Commence- ment. Short title. 10/1955. Section 14 of the Principal Ordinance repealed,