7 e (6) Norwegian tax on dividends paid by a company which 1s a resident of Nor way toa resident of the United Kingdom, who is subject to tax im the United Kinydom in respect thereof and does not earry on trade or business in Norway through a permanent establishment situated therein, shall not execed 5 per cent.: Provided that, where the resident of the United Kingdom is a company which controls, directly or indirectly, not less than 50 per cent. of the entire voting power of the company pay- ing the dividends, the dividends shall be exempt from Norwegian tax. 2. Where a company which is a resident of one of the territories derives profits or income from sources within the other territory, there shall not be imposed in that other territory any form of taxation on dividends paid by the company to persons not resident in that other territory, or any tax in the vature of an undistributed profits tax on undistributed profits of the company, whether or not those dividends or undistributed profits represent, in whole or in part, profits or Income so derived, AxticLe VII 1. Any interest or royalty derived from sources within one of the territories by a resident of the other territory, who is subject to tex m that other territory in respect thereof and does not carry on a trade or business in the first-mentioned territory throngh a permanent establishment situated therein, shall be exempr from tax in that first-mentioned territory. 2, In this Article— (a) The term “ interest †includes interest on bonds, securities, notes, debentures or on any other form of indebtedness; (6) The term “royalty†means any royalty or other amount paid as consideration for the use of, or for the privilege of using, any copyrivht, patent, di. ‘sion, secret process or formula, tr ade mark or other like property, but does not include any royalty er other amount paid in respect Of the oper: ation of & mine or quarry or of any other extraction of natural resources.