§ 2, Where under the present Convention any income ig exempt from tax in one of the territories if (with or without other conditions) it is sabjeet to tax in the other territory, and that income is subject to tax in that other territory by reference to the amount thereof which is remitted to or recetved in that other territory, the exemption to be allowed under this Coven- vention in the first-mentioned ter riiory stall apply only to the amount so remitted or received. oad 3. In the application of the provisions of the present Convention by one of the Contracting Parties any term not otherwise defined shall, unless the context otherwise .eqttires, have the meaning whieh it has under the laws in force in the territory of that Party relauiny to the taxes which are the subject of the present Convention. Articue IIT 1. The industrial or commercial profits of a United Kingdom enterprise shall not be subject to Norwegian tax unless the enterprise carries on a trade or business in Norway through permanent establishment situated therein. Jf it carries on a trade or business as aforesaid, tax may be im- posed on those profits by Norway, but only on so much of them as is attributable to that permanent establishinent. 2. The industrial or commercial profits of a Norwegian enter) vise shall not be subject to United Kingdom tax unless the enterprise carries on a trade or business in the United King- dom through a permanent establishment situated therein. Ifit carries on a trade or business as aforesaid, tax may be imposed on those profits by the United Kingdom, but only on 60 much of them as is attribatable to that permanent establishment. 2, Where an enterprise of one of the territories carries on a trade or business in the other territory through a_per- manent estublishment situated therein, there shall be attributed to that permanent establishment tre industrial or commercial profits whieh it might be expected to derive in that other territory if it were an independent enterprise engaged in the same or similar activities under the same or similar conditions and dealing at arm’s length with the enterprise of which it is a permanent establis hment. 4. Where an enterprise of one of the territories derives profits, uuder contracts concluded in that territory, from sales of yoods or merchandise stocked in a warehouse in the other