No. 10 of 1956. Supplementary Appropriation ANTIGUA.
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I Assent,
P. D. Macponatp,
Governor’s Deputy. -

15th May, 1956.

No. 10 of 1956.

An Ordinance to sanction certain further payments
from the Public Treasury in excess of the
sums placed on the Estimates for the year
ended on the thirty-first day of December,

[ ] 5th May, 1956 | Conimence-


ENACTED by the Legislature of Antigua
as follows:—

1. This Ordinance may be cited as the short title.
Supplementary Appropriation (1933) Ordinance,

2. The various sums of money set forth in Lesatization of
the Schedule to this Ordinance amounting in all to expenditure.
five bundred and twenty-nine thousand one hun-
dred nad seventy-nine dollars, and drawn from the
Public Treasury for the service of the year ended
the thirty-first day of December, !953, under the
warrant of the Governor, but not provided for in