


Powors of


12 Animals (Diseases, Importation No, 15 of 1955.
and Erportation) .

(3) A person arrested under this section shall
not be detained without warrant longer than is
necessary for the purpose of being t taken before a
Magistrate, and the provisions of the Police Act,
1951, in relation to the granting of bil shall apply
to any such person.

21. he inspector shall bave all the powers
given to a police officer under s:ction 20 oF this
Ordinance and may at any time enter—

(a) any place, where he has reasonable
yrounds for supposing—

(i) that disease exists, or has, within
fifty-six days, existed: or

(i) that the carcass of any diseased
or suspected animal is or has
been kept or has been buried
destroved or otherwise disposed
of: or

(iii) that there is io be found therein
anything in respect whercof
any person has on any occasion
failed to oy with the pro-
visions of this Ordinance or of
any regulations made there-
under: or

(iv) that this Ordinance has not been
or is not being coniplied with;

(4) any vehicle, vessel or boat, in which
or in respect wiicicur he has reasonable
grounds for beleving that this Ordinance has
not been or is not being complied with,

22. Any person who, Oe lawful
authority or excuse, the proof whereof shall lié on

(a) when required by this Ordinance, or
by any order made thereunder, to keep any
animal separate as fur as practicable. er to
“give any notice of diseage with all jracties ole
speed, fails so to do; or