
(a) As soon as a vacancy occurs or
is known to be impending, the Governor
or the Administrator shall notify the
secretary and furnish him with details of
the requirements of the post, the qualifi-
cations necessary, and the emoluments
attached thereto.

- (6) The Commission shall consider
public officers in the Presidency, in —
uccordance with the principles in para-
graphs 5 and 7 of these Instructions.

(c) If in the opinion of the Commis-
sion there is no local public officer suitably
qualified for appointment to the post, the
Commission may seek the advice of the
Public Service Commission in any other
British Caribbean Territory or may con-
sider other local candidates not in the
public service.

(d) The Commission shall make
recommendations to the Governor for
filling the post in order that the Governor
may submit his recommendations to the
Secretary of State.

(e) If the Commission is unable to
recommend the appointment of a candidute
it shall inform the Governor accordingly
stating the steps which have been taken
to ascertain whether a suitable candidate
is available and the reasons why a recom-
mendation cannot be made.

(2) Crass B—Posts above scale [ in the
Salary Scales of the Civil Service, the filling of
which requires the approval of the Governor.

(a) As soon asa vacanoy occurs OF is

known to be impending, the Governor

“or the Administrator shall notify the

secretary and furnish him with details of

the requirements of the post, the qnalifi-

cations necessary, and the emoluments
uttached thereto.