i (2) Recommendations for promotion shall state whether the person recommended is the senior officer in his department eligible for promotion and where this is not the case detailed reasons shall be given in respect of each person in that same department over whom it is proposed that the person recommended should be promoted. 8. Where the General Orders require that progress to a higher point in a salary scale is dependent on the results of an efficiency bar examination, the Commission shall arrange and conduct the said examination in accordance with a syllabus prepared by the Commission and published in the Gacette.- 9. The principles and procedure for mak- ing recommendations for paid acting appointments shall be the same «as that prescribed in these Instructions for making a promotion. When recommending au acting appointment it shall be stated whether or not the officer recommended for acting appointment is in every way qualified to perform all the duties of the office in which he is to act. 10. When it is necessary to make an appointment, promotion or transfer, the proce- dure prescribed in paragraphs 11 and 12 of these Instructions shall be followed except that, where ‘any delay involved in carrying out such procedure is likely to cause serious inconveniences, the Governor or the Administrator shall report the matter to the Chairman who may as a matter of urgency recommend an acting appointment without regard to that procedure, 11. The procedure governing recommenda- tions for appointments, promotions and transfers in the public service shall be in accordance with the following classification: — (1) Crass A—Posts of which the initial salary is not less thau $4,800 per annum and the filling of which requires the approval of the Secretary of State. Efficiency bar examinition. Principles relating to acting appointments. Departure from precedure in special circumstances, Procedure relating to appointments to be filled otherwise than by exmuination,.