14. Workmen's Compensation. No. of 1955.

shall be treated for the purposes. of this
paragraph as if he’ did not attain that age
until the date on which he ceases to be a child
receiving full-time instruction as aforesaid or
on the 31st day of July next following the
day on which he attains the age of sixteen
years, whichever is the earlier date.

(2) Where the weekly payment is in respect
of permanent total incapacity or equals the amount
which would-be payable to the workman in the case
of permanent total incapacity resulting from the
injury, any such allowance shall be the maximum
allowance specified in the foregoing subsection, and
in any other case shall bear the same proportion to
the maximum allowance as the weekly payment
bears to the amount of the weekly payment which
would be payable to the workman in the case of
permanent total incapacity:

Provided that the total amount of the supple-
mentary allowances payable in respect of any
weekly payment shall not exceed such sum as
would together with the said weekly payment,

(a) in the case of total incapacity, to
seven-cighths of the average weekly earnings
of the workman before the accident, calculated
in like manner as for the purpose of ascertain-
ing the weekly payment; or

(b) in the case of partial incapacity, to
seven-eighths of the difference between the
amount of the said average weekly earnings of
the workman before the accident and the
average weekly amount which he is earning or
is able to earn in some suitable employment or
business after the accident.

Any reference in this subsection to the average
weekly earnings of the workman before the
accident shall be construed, in a case where the
amount of the weekly payment is increased as a
result of a review under section 13, as a reference
to the weekly sum which he would probably have
been earning at the date of the review if he had
remained uninjured.