VOL. LXXXIII. Published by Authority. THURSDAY, 29rTas SEPTEMBER, 1955. No. 42. Notices, BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE LEEWARD ISLANDS.. A PROCLAMATION. P. D. MACDONALD, Acting Governor. WHEREAS the Legislative Council of the Presidency of the Virgin Is- lands has been duly constituted under the provisions of the Virgin Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7/1954): AND WHEREAS by proclamation under the hand of the Governor dated the 7th day of October, 1954, issued under the provisions of subsection (1) of section 25 of the said Ordinance, the said Council was first summoned to meet in session for the despatch of public business on the 16th day of October, 1954: AND WHEREAS by proclama- tion dated the 7th day of October, 1954, a session of the said Council was appointed to be held at ten o’clock in the forenoon at St. George’s Hall in the town of Road Town in the aforesaid Presidency on Saturday the 16th day of October, 1954: AND WHEREAS in pursuance of the aforesaid proclamations the said Council duly met in session on the 16th day of October, 1954: AND WHEREAS it is provided, inter alia, by subsection (1) of sec- tion 25 of the said Ordinance that the Governor may at any time, by procla- mation, prorogue the said Legislative Council: AND WHEREAS it appears ex- pedient to prorogue the said Council: NOW, THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers in me vested as herein- before recited I do hereby prorogue the Legislative Council of the Presi- dency of the Virgin Islands until such further date as may be appointed, by proclamation of the Commissioner under the provisions of section 18 of the said Ordinance, for the first sit- ting in the next session of the said Council. AND the Members of the said Council and all other Her Majesty’s Officers and loving subjects in the said Presidency and all those whom x 3 28.7797 Hev7e7e it may concern are hereby required to take due notice hereof and to govern themselves accordingly. GIVEN at the Government House, Antigua, this 29th day of Sep- tember, 1955, and in the fourth year of Her Muajesty’s reign. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! BY THE COMMISSIONER OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS. A PROCLAMATION. H. A. C. HOWARD, Oommissioner. WHEREAS pursuant to the provi- sions of subsection (1) of section 25 of the Virgin Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1954 (No. 7/1954) the Govérnor by proclamation dated the 7th day of October, 1954 prorogued the Legislative Council of the Presidency of the Virgin Islands until such further date as may be appointed, by proclamation of the Commissioner under the provisions of section 18 of the gaid Ordinance, for the first sitting in the next session of the said Council: AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 18 of the Virgin Islands Constitution and Elections Ordinance, 1954, that the sessions of the Legisla- tive Conncil shall be held at such times and places as the Commissioner shall from time to time by proclama- tion appoint: AND WHEREAS it is expedient that a session of the said Council should now be held: NOW, THEREFORE, I do by this my proclamation hereby appoint that a session of the said Council of the Presidency of the Virgin Islands shall be held and that the first meeting shall commence with a sitting on the 10th day of October, 1955 at eleven o’clock in the forenoon and that the sittings of the said Council shall be held at Saint George’s Hall in the town of Road Town, Tortola, in the Presidency aforesaid. AND the Members of the said Council and all other Her Majesty’s Officer’s and loving subjects in the said Presidency and all those whom it may concern are hereby required to take due notice hereof and to give their ready obedience accordingly. GIVEN at the Commissioner’s Office, at Tortola,in the Virgin Islands, this 29th day of September, 1955, and in the fourth year of Her Majesty’s reign. 30D SAVE THE QUEEN ! 18/00054. No. 99. Appointments and transfers ete., in the public service, with effect from the dates stated, are published for general information :— BROWNE, 8. A., Junior Clerk, Office of Superintendent of Police, Anti- gua, confirmed in appointment. Sep. 1 CHRISTIAN, OC. M., employed on contract, appointed substantively as Surveyor of Worke, Virgin Islands. Jan. 1 CLARKE, F. aA., Junior Clerk, Administration, Antigua. to be Act- ing Clerk to the Antigua Executive and Legislative Councils. Sep. 1 Ref. No. A. O. 13/65. FIELD, Rev. D. O., B.A., appointed to act as Headmaster, Secondary School, Virgin Islands. Sep. 1 JACOBS, Dr. E. O., Medieal Officer in Administrative Charge, Virgin Is- lands, transferred to Nevis. June 13 O'NEAL, Mrs. I., Student Nurse, Virgin Islands, promoted to Nurse. May 23 Scott, S. H., B.A., Headmaster, Secondary School, Virgin Islands, _resigned appointment. Aug. 31 OONFIRMATION OF ORDINANCES, No. 100. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has informed the Acting Governor that the power of disallow- ance will not be exercised in respect of the undermentioned Act and Ordinances. AOT. Leeward Islands. No. 4 of 1955, ‘The Pensions (Amendment) Act; 1955,â€