Ne. 7 of 1955. Elementary Education (Repeal) (L.8.] I Assent, K. W. BrackBurne, Governor. Ist February, 1955. LKMKHWARD ISLANDS. No. 7 of 1955. An Act to repeal the Elementary Education Act. ENACTED by the Legislature of the Leeward Islands. 1. This Act may be cited as the Elementary Education (Repeal) Act, 1955. 2. The Elementary Education Act, the Elementary Education Act, Amendment Act 1980 and the Elementary Education (Amendment) Act, 1939 are hereby repealed. 3. This Act shall come into operation on a date to be appointed by the Governor by Proclamation published in the Gazette. Maorice H. Davis, Deputy President. Passed the General Legislative Council this 6th day of January, 1955. A. E. Pryy, Clerk of the Council. ANTIGUA, LEEWARD ISLANDA Short title. Repeal. Cap. 86. 10/1980. 6/1939. Comimenee- ment, Printed at tae Government Printing Office, Leoward Islands. by E. M. BLAoKMAN, Government Printer..—By Authority. 1955 47/00076—480—2.55. (Price 3 vents.]