ONE AT A TIME /WHO'S INSULTING& YA?!.. I JUST SAID, Maybe you're good at doing two EVEN IF YOU ARE things at the same time, but forget it AMBIPEXTEROUS, YA when it comes to moving the standby STILL GOTTA 0 'EM and designate switches on your Hawk ONE AT A TIME.!" launcher test set to ON-like when the missiles are on the launcher. Seems that when you do this, the K40, K41 and K42 relays in the azi- m muth distribution box get energized at I the same time with 208 VAC. This STILL means arcing across the relay contacts SOUNCS and a chance of a short circuit that can SORT give accidental missile electrical power L I__.- unit and hydraulic arming. -c Y So let the standby lamp come on be- ,j . fore you flip the designate switch to ON-even though there's nothing in your publications that say you should. LONG IVE vHl S&ALS that rubber you're right -th forward seat in each of the your sector assemblies on your wsectork auncher probabg will go to po then water ithe and fouls upkat things gets inside --dism assembly. release sector mechanism a longer by can give the sel a longer Butyou can gbe ervative coating hitting i ith rubbe res pr .ninach hitting i replace the shear pin in 1 ea yco time ysou repa nd I gallon of the Sector ase.b-- o 0 m Stou p0Pag o1 of50l pL kSep 67). TAKES GOOD CONNECTIONS Maybe they're shot and maybe they're not--the J2 connector for the magne- tron power supply and J5 connector for the modulator power supply in your Hawk AN/MPQ-37 range only radar. When they're made, bakelite some- times runs into the center conductor clip. Then the male plug won't go into the connector. And you sure don't want to try to force it in. The thing to do is check the connec- tors. If you can't pick out stuff that doesn't belong in the conductor clip, you can figure the connector is no good. If there's nothing in the connector and it takes the male plug with no sweat, you're home free. DO23MT DON'T FORE FF. NEEDS CLEANING When the EPU went into action, the chances are darn good that the nozzle in the gas turbine got clogged ... or has since become corroded. And then if the new propellant ignites-bar -as the turbine blows apart. It would be farewell missile and maybe so long to the launcher and any other birds on the launcher. In other words ... shy away from replacing the igniter and propellant grain in EPU's that have been accidentally ignited. Any EPU in this shape wants to go back up the supply line for a good depot cleaning. 57