TRY THIS FOR SIZE < #ui ai - S rodent ana c upad with this fixedFO T h at' s h y fco e u a 12 -i" l ength Measurement tt Op of in bats nd nuts (Edof flat stock and goinksg. O ourseth COOL IT! Tor 48-st D tMode blades the tol r I' GO marked to identi the PP blade length itft bladesgoes with. just inrt th 1 BLOOD BOTTLE HANG-UP?... o lGET NEW HUEYVAC HOOKTC Vietn Med-evac choppers now come equip- (Edped with a new blood-bottle assembly for 48ft D Model blades the toolmedic's job when rigging boltsplaces the safety pin variety used in older Hueys. If you need the hooks for apartreplacement, or to update your old set- arked070-515-7 to get one of these 81 centlength it goes with.) BLOOD BOTTLE HANG-UP?... GET NEW HUEYVAC HOOK Med-evac choppers now come equip- ped with a new blood-bottle assembly FSN 1560-0704603 that eases the medic's job when rigging GGr YOU THIS a bottle. This new-type hook assembly re- places the safety pin variety used in older Hucys. If you need the hooks for replacement, or to update your old set- up, use FSN 1560-070-4603, P/N 205- 070-515-7 to get one of these 81 cent gems. You'll find it listed in TM 55- 1520-210-20P-3 (Aug 67). I ZF 21lw