AIR MOBILITY HUEY (UH-1) HARNESS WON'T LOCK? TRY THIS FOR SIZE! A jammed inertia reel can ruin your whole day -and give pilots a real head- ache to boot!! So, if your favorite throttle jockey says the reel won't lock the shoulder harness in either the manual or auto position, don't throw the whole kit-and-kabosh away! Could be that a simple operation will put it back in condition. Inside the inertia reel housing is a roller drum that the webbing coils around. A webbing shield-either plastic or aluminum-keeps the webbing on the drum and out of the locking mechanism. Reels, P/N 0106176-0, with serial numbers between 32,000 and 45,000, have a plastic webbing shield. This shield sometimes gets a wee bit out of shape. It can slide off the drum into the locking dog-jamming the reel for real so the harness won't lock. SHIELD JAMMED? Al PULL IT OUTI When this happens, use a gizmo, gadget, or whatchamacallit to reach behind the shield and pull it back out of the locking dog area. If the shield comes loose don't fret-just push it back into position. A No. 11 crochet hook makes an ideal tool for this job. You might even try a knitting needle--knit one, purl two-knit one, purl two .... Reels with aluminum shields don't have this trouble. WHAT'S A THE FSN CROCHET FOR THAT? HOOK i . 48