PRE-OPERATIOjL CH 4 LUBE FITTINGS-Some may have been left off, and every last one is necessary. Besides, a check-over with the LO and TM in your hand is a fine way to find out how this tractor is put together. Be sure you feel into the hard-to-reach spots. Some fittings you can't see, but you can touch 'em, like the one on the bottom of the universal coupler. If any fittings have been left off, be sure they're in and used before you make a move to get power up and work done. / MAKE SURE TMESELUE BE OLLNr AORE ALLOI / ECKOUT f S HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR-Fluid, 125 gallons of it, should have been ship- ped in the tank. Make sure there's no water in the bottom, like by having support take samples. If you're where you can watch, be around to see that dipstick test to tell if the tank's full. 11 BRAKE FLUID-There are 4 reser- voirs, and all have to be up to snuff. Just cupping fluid to the bottom of the inlet is right-no use running over and dripping. Look at items 26 and 30, LO 5-2420-206-15-2, and pages 37 and 38 of TM 5- 2420-206-15, for all-season lube and hydraulic oil dope. If you have to use the Interim TM, you can still look the points and lubes up by name. j RADIATOR-Filled with clean water or coolant. L TIRES- Take 45 PSI, but for long trips on hard-top roads, make it 50 PSI. For work in deep sand, 30 PSI is best, but change back for highway runs. SCRANKCASE-Be sure all 9 gallons are at muster. i MORE l DIFFERENTIALS- Front and rear take 69 pints apiece. M PLANETARY HUBS- All 4 take 26 pints each. M BEARING BOX 5 quarts will fill it. J BATTERY-Elec- trolyte has to cover the plates. *k4 0 STEERING LOCK LINKS -Both have to be off before you move a peg. But no chuck- ing them away, be- cause they are per- manent equipment. 1 CYLINDER CONNECTING RODS-Heavy grease has to be all off. Eyeball the lift, steering, and tilt cylinder connecting rods. Clean hydraulic oil, just a touch on the plungers, you'll use to coat the rods.