Fuel is to your equipment's engine what food is to you. Food makes you go; fuel makes that engine go. You never want dirty or spoiled food; it can make you sick or even kill you. It's the same with that engine. Dirty fuel can make an engine mighty sick, even kill it... especially if it's a diesel or multifuel job. Those babies have powerful muscles, but weak stomachs. Dirty fuel is knocking a lot of 'em out. _-. t- That's why it's real important for you' to see that only clean fuel gets to your engine. There's one way to make sure your engine drinks only clean fuel, and it takes just minutes a day. It could pay off big for you ... like seeing that you get through a real tough situation. It's this: Drain your engine's fuel filters every day. And, drain the fuel tank scic week or so. depending on how ct your climate is. The warmer and werrer the climate. the more likely .our fuel is to get ill gummed up v ith bacteria and such scum. See your TM on ho, [To do the draining. \\'hcne'er the fuel at the filter looks like it's real dirr call in sour unit mechanic. He mai hais to get help from the direct support ourfit. \\ haeier .ou do. keep .our fuel YOUR ENGINE'S FUEL- GENERAL 290M reactor 1525 LUgil 5l 26 Earthtmoers 77 D[ ITrator 27 DA Form 1? 662 & SUPPLY tIR. M1 1B's 63 Manulacurer's Pubs 64 Pubs 21 Supply 8 8.26.37 38, 48. 51.57. 5 GROUND MOBILITY 3747 MASA2 MABA2U 31 Hire Rope Lubl 44 MS4 Series lank 3839 Baler Hose 45 MW Series TIanl le Pressure 45 31-39.40 41 4..Ton Scoul 4 M4A 3 CEY M 728 41 EIR Fiea A MS 77 F 42 M49A2C Tanker 41 AVBL Launchel 41.42 Ligl Swlcnh 47 M127/A Smnllra.ler 43 Vehicle humbering 43.44 AIR MOBILITY 48-54 1H H 48.49.50 CH47 52.53 IB AVN24.16 50 Surv.ali in 52.53 Ri.eler 51 U-LA 54 COMMUNICATIONS 55-59 Ir-MidCGier U SB-IP.SB-2211 /P 57 FM Ramlo 58 MK.jA I;,G $It 51, 5 Use of funds fin prntlog li this public. lion has hee approved by Headquarlers Deprilment of tle Army. 19 February 1965 DISTRIBUTION: In accordance with re quiremenls submitted on DA Form 12.4 C/;- ELr ,[E PREVLNTIVI MAINTENANCE MONmrL ssue No 177 1967 Series IN THIS ISSUE FIREPOWER 2-14 E Realye 27 MI08.MI0O 9 MIOl,MI tO 8 Nhke- rc 0.l11.12.1 14 -B Kno-, K4. 1 now