YOUR BAKER 6000 FORKLIFT... 1-2-3 FOR YOUR So where to start? Let's say you look at- ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BATTERIES- Case cracked, filler plugs loose or missing, corroded, water not covering plates, poles reversed, dead cells, clamps or cables loose. -~ s v-iF' Tough horsepower with a big job is sour B ikr (1ilf) F,,rklii Likc anm hcavy MHE, it'll work better if you're on the ball for little things that could cause big trouble later. That on-the-ball bit you might call Continuous PM, or Running PM. As a headache-saver, it's tops. Running PM means every time you work, stop, or just stand by, you check something. That way you cover the whole rig in two or three days and you know way ahead before small defects grow into big breakdowns. Fact is, a sharp eye is one of the best PM tools in the kit. Like when you just walk up to go to work, you could look things over. To help you know what the CMMI's will kick about, deficiencies matched to guides in DA Pam 750-10 (Jun 66), the CMMI Handbook, are in bold type. Deficiencies, you know, have to be fixed before operating; shortcomings and suggested im- provements you get corrected on scheduled service periods. SWITCHES- Loose, wires or mounts loose or broken, wet DISTRIBUTOR- Cap cracked, mount loose, wet case, cables loose. shields missing HEADLAMPS--Broken, won't work, loose, cracked or exposed wires al I AE