BUT, I'VE BEEN OPERATION GIVG ER GOOP MA~IN TE N ANCE- All the good maintenance in Vietnam won't do much good if you don't oper- ate your rig right. Here are the main points to watch-- Starter button-f f your truck's got a compression ignition engine (Mulifuel or straight diesel. your starter's got a big lob and needs all the juice you can feed it So don't be afraid of hurting the starter button when you press it push hard all the time A light touch or a slight lelup will bum out the switch Give er a breather -about a half-minute- if it won't start right away. Instruments Every gage and indicator is mighty important, tell- ing you whether everything's OK or giving you a warning if some- S\thing's wrong Give 'em a good onceover before you take off and then every few minutes while you're rolling. Air brakes No air means no brakes. a real hair-raiser in an emergency So, if your truck has air, or ar-over-hydraulic brakes, wat for that buzzer to quit, before taking off, so you know you ve gol air. This air has plenty moisture m it; remember. your air tanks have to be drained at least once a day. You'll be surprised at how much water can build up in those tanks. MFMORE>