Ramming or jamming and jerking And, remember, gently does it or
or tugging on your teletypewriter set's you'll lock the governor worm spring
governor adjustment worm can keep and all the pushing and pulling won't
the message coming in garbles. get the motor geared for 60 WPM.
 That's right.... A locked spring means a trip to your
 So, your best bet's to gently push the support to free 'er.
worm in to speed up the motor or
gently pull it out to slow 'er down ~I... PuS1
on a set, like frinstance, a TT-4()/TG ) U ".V0
or TT-76/GGC.
 Tapping your tuning fork on the
heel of your hand and eyeing one of -
the little dots on the governor target'll
let you know whether the motor's fast
or slow.
 If the dot's moving to the left, push .
the worm in.
 If the dot's moving to the right, pull
the worm out.
 Wait a minute or three, though, be-
fore adjusting the motor speed so the
motor'll warm up.

 Ruddy well daily with the motor
 speed adjust, if you must. You can even
 have a go at your teletypewriter arma-
 ture and range dials... or the line
 ) current.
 SI But, please don't touch the gov-
 ernor, Guv!
 The other adjustments are in your
 Old Baileywick, but the governor ad-
 justment is strictly a job for support.
 So 'ands off Guv, luv.