COMPRESSOR OOPS\ CRUNCH * THAT LIPSTICK. CRUNCJ1 Best look after this chore soonest. As you know, on the AN-M4, Walte Kidde compressor (FSN 1040-592 8560), the oil sump dipstick (it's calle a gage rod) screws into the oil fill-hol cap. Could be you haven't noticed, though that normal operating vibration loosen the dipstick from the cap. And, if th dipstick backs-off all the way, natch .. it'll drop into the compressor's crank case. To head off this serious problem th dipstick must be staked to the cap. On careful hit (with a punch and a han CA 'T Y'SEE ITr I IT'S THE NEDR\ . _ ELECTR'ONKi: CO01IN.PC RACCRE 52 r 2- d h, e . mer), where the dipstick screws into the - cap, will do the job. First, of course, the dipstick must be screwed all the way .e into the cap. e This'll keep the rod from backing n- off. ED SHIFT Hey, there! Infrared night vision equipment responsibility has moved from U. S. Army Mobility Equipment Center to Electronics Command. Yep! The new address for taking care of all the infrareds like weaponsights, tube image intensifiers, searchlight and driv- ing binoculars is: CG, U. S. Army Elec- tronics Command, ATTN: AMSEL- MR-(NMP)-MRC-A, Fort Monmouth, N. J. 07703. 63