So-o-o-o... S WIND UP WITH A THIN COAT I OF PLASTIC POLISH, SPEC MIL-C-18767 TYPE I FSN 7930-634-5340 (PINT BOTTLE) FED CAT C 7900-IL-A (1 DEC 65) APPLY WITH SOFT CLEAN CLOTH--OUTSIDE AND INSIDE I AFTER COMPOUND DRIES USE ANOTHER S CLEAN, SOFT CLOTH FOR A I POLISHED WINDSHIELD TLC really pays dividends when you use the windshield wipers for the job they were designed to do. To guard against scratching the plastic (or glass for that matter) never run the wipers on a dry windshield. Even a windshield covered with morning dew doesn't call for wiper action use your defrosters or clean 'er by hand.