(WOT1N HE" ag) T TRYING' TO CHANGE A PIECE OF POIN' F5N 5970-258-4862 INTO INSULATION TAPE: ELECTRICAL NON- ADHESIVE! STKETCH TAPE That 4-in by 14-ft rubber bandage in TE-16 tool equipment, which is part of TE-56 tool set for cable splicing, still goes by FSN 5970-238-4862. Until an updated SC 5975-91-CL-CO1 (Feb 65) comes out changing the description from the "%4 in by 50 yards" that's listed there, you can get the bandage by asking for INSULATION TAPE: electrical, non-adhesive, in C5970-IL-A (Aug 65). HEY, COMMON REPAIRMAN! BUT I NEEP NEW TOOLS FOR REPAIRING TH15 IF ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT NEW EQUIPMENT/ REPAIR'S 'OULR GAUIE ANG PRINTED CIRCLuiTS tMAKE NR TK-87 FEEL L%1IE... / HARKE /!! SB 11-604 123 Feb 66) authorized replacing your Naturall), the replacements have TK-87/LU FSN 5180- tools for repairing printed circuits. The 690-4452, and TK-88/LI, replacements are onl) for repairmen FSN 5180-893-1389. tool responsible for printed circuitr. Me- kits with the TK-105/G, chanics who have the TK-8" and TK-88 FSN 5180-610-81"'. and H solely for non-printed circuit equip- the TK-100/G, FSN ment are not authorized to replace the 5180-605-00"9. You tool kits. The replacements are stock get the TK 105 for the fund items from GSA. When you get TK-8" and the TK-100 the neAv sets, )ou turn in )our TK-8"s for the -88. and -88's to support. ci