Funny thing about bias current and radio-teletypewriter sets. If the bias supply is set too high, it can burn out the modulator of your set. F'rinstance, whether you're working with an AN/GRC-26D, an AN/VRC- 29 or an AN/GRC-46, the bias current should measure 60 milliamperes. Since all sets use the TT-98 and the TT-76 teletypewriters, a couple' perti- nent paragraphs in appropriate TM's should straighten you right out-especially if radio repair is your specialty and Steletype work isn't. CHECK YOUR MANUALS FOR THE. ADJUSTING PROCEPURE5! Para 2-8c and fig 2-7 in TM 11-5815- 238-12 (Dec 65) on the TT-76 and para 2-13 and fig 2-9 in TM 11-5815- 200-12 (Feb 66) on the TT-98 fill you in on quick bias adjusts on the teletypes. It's a must to make the adjustments at initial installation, when changing from commercial power to another source, or after any adjustment of the power supply. In addition to the method in the TM's, you can use a TS-352 multimeter by placing the probes across the bias terminals. Place the TS-352 setting in the 100 MA range, and adjust the bias of the TT's to 60 MA. I