with no reduction of accrued leave. If, as a result of the investigation, the faculty member is to be suspended
or terminated, written notice shall be given to the faculty member. In the case of termination, written notice
shall be given at least six months in advance of the effective date of such termination, unless it is determined
that the actions adversely affect the functioning of the University or jeopardize the safety or welfare of the
faculty member, colleagues or students. In either case, the faculty member shall have the opportunity to
be provided a written statement of the reasons for the proposed action to be taken and shall be given at least
ten working days in which to respond in writing and/or orally to the President or designee before such
action is effective.

(6C1-3.038, Article 9)
 The expense of travel performed by faculty which is authorized as official and necessary in the
performance of the faculty member's duties is paid by the University, subject to the availability of funds,
in accordance with university regulations. A maximum per diem and meal allowance is established for
ordinary travel. When traveling outside the state or to a conference or convention, the traveler may be
reimbursed for the actual expenses of lodging at the single occupancy rate, plus a meal allowance. The use
of a common carrier and certain incidental expenses, such as registration fees, parking or limousine fares
and tolls, are reimbursable in full. Trips by private car are reimbursable at the current mileage rate.
 The University currently has an agreement with American Express to provide faculty with access to an
American Express Corporate Card with no annual membership fee for University-related travel expenses.
Information concerning this program is available from the Finance and Accounting Division.

Tuition-Free Courses
(6C-5.133, 6C-5.830, 6C1-1.012, Article 14)
 Tuition-free courses are available to eligible full-time state faculty members upon completion of an
application form which is available in the Office of the Registrar. Applicants must be permanent, full-time
faculty members of the State of Florida in established positions and meet academic requirements. They may
enroll for courses on a space-available basis only. Enrollment is limited to six credit hours per term (fall,
spring and the supplemental summer term) without payment of a registration fee. Enrollment will be
limited to courses that do not increase the direct cost to the University. For further information refer to
Immunization for Faculty Enrolled in University Courses.

Use of University Services and Facilities
(6C-5.305, 6C1-1.011, 6C1-2, Articles 3, 19)
 University-related groups whose activities are related to and further the mission of the University may
hold meetings in university space in accordance with established policies and procedures. Other groups and
persons may use certain university facilities in accordance with the policies and procedures described in
Chapter 6C1-2, when and if such facilities are available. A faculty member may also request permission to
use university property, facilities or other personal services whether or not such use is connected with outside
employment. Such requests should be submitted in writing to the administrator responsible for the academic
unit or facility housing the resource to be used. The administrator must indicate in writing whether
authorization is granted and any conditions pertaining to the use, if any, including the cost for such use.
 A faculty member should take reasonable precautions when expressing opinions as a private citizen that
he/she does not give the appearance of acting as a representative or spokesperson of the University, unless
authorized. University stationery, E-mail or fax communications should not be used which would indicate
university affiliation. For more information, refer to Telephone and U.S. Mail Service.

 An academic unit is authorized and encouraged to utilize volunteers to assist in carrying out its
 programs. A volunteer is an individual who provides goods or services to the University with no monetary
 or material compensation. Each volunteer should be supervised on a day-to-day basis by a faculty or staff

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