FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION 118 Fundamentals of data storage and retrieval models for business applications. Data modeling and database design principles. Theoretical foundations and exercises presented for relational data model and SQL. ISM 6216: Business Database Systems II (2) Prereq: ISM 6215. Continuation of ISM 6215. Focus on implementation and programming issues. ISM 6222: Business Telecom Strategy and Applications I (2) Prereq: procedural programming language and microcomputer working knowledge. Survey of networking technologies used in WWW and e-commerce. TC/IP networks and related security, networking hardware, and Internet software standards. ISM 6223: Business Telecom Strategy and Applications II (2) Prereq: ISM 6222 or consent of instructor. Both introduction of traditional telephony and discussion of issues companies face upon consolidation of voice and data networks. Technological developments, product announcements, and market activity, with ultimate focus on strategy of voice/data integration. ISM 6224: Business Telecom Strategy and Applications III (2) Prereq: ISM 6223 and 6129. Telecommunications analysis and design. Both tactical and strategic issues concerning integration. ISM 6236: Business Objects I (2) Prereq: ISM 6223 and 6216. Overview of main tools for business objects in enterprise programming and illustrated with hands-on experiences. Distributed object models, component architectures, design methodologies and patterns, languages and development envi- ronments, and databases and repositories. ISM 6239: Business Objects II (2) Prereq: ISM 6236 Extension of concepts and tools of ISM 6236 to include practical aspects of using business objects in enterprise systems. Focus on overview of ERP systems, proxies, wrapping legacy systems with objects and proxy repositories. ISM 6257: Intermediate Business Programming (2) Application in business systems. Classes, inheritance, polymor- phism, interfaces, error handling, multi-threading, database con- nectivity, and their use in business information systems. ISM 6258: Advanced Business Programming (2) Prereq: ISM 6257. Event-driven, component-based programming. GUI components, and client end system design and implementa- tion in distributed systems, as well as database development, networking, security, and object-oriented concepts. ISM 6259: Business Programming (2) Prereq: ISM 6258. An advanced system-implementation course to teach client end system design and implementation. Topics include object- oriented systems development, databases, networking, security, and web application development. ISM 6423: Data Analysis and Decision Support (2) Overview of various solution methods for data analysis programs such as clustering, classification, and regression that occur in business decision making. How methods support decision making. ISM 6485: Electronic Commerce and Logistics (2) Underlying technologies that herald innovations. How to capitalize on new electronic commerce and logistics in business. ISM 6486: eCommerce Technologies (2) Database management systems, systems design and Web-page design, human computer interface issues, artificial intelligence methods (such as data mining and expert systems), and intelligent software agents. ISM 6487: Risks and Controls in eCommerce (2) Strategic IT planning, policies and control; risk assessment, reliability, benchmarking and monitoring; privacy and security models and technologies; availability, continuity and compliance testing; and threat monitoring. ISM 6942: Electronic Commerce Practicum (2) Projects such as developing e-commerce business plans, constructing e- commerce sites, etc. ISM 7166: Advanced Business Systems Design and Development III (2) Prereq: ISM 6129. Continuation of ISM 6129. Focus on software project management and development. Exploration of object-oriented project management approach supported by computer-aided software engineering tool. MAN 5501: Operations Management (3) Prereq: QMB 5305. Designed for MBA students. Purpose of course is to introduce the student to the general class of problems associated with managing production facilities. MAN 5502: Production and Operations Management (2) Prereq: QMB 5305. Core course designed for traditional MBA students. Introduction to POM, which focuses on design and control of productive systems within organizations. MAN 6508: Management of Service Operations (2) Case studies and problems, including systems design, operation, and control; emphasis on waiting-line systems. MAN 6511: Production Management Problems (2) Problems in the management of industrial enterprise; management principles and mathematical analysis applied to manufacturing; product development and production; materials and production control; employee relations. MAN 6528: Principles of Logistics/Transportation Systems (2) Logistics management in current business environment. MAN 6573: Purchasing and Materials Management (2) Industrial/institutional purchasing cycle for operating supplies, raw materials, components and capital equipment within context of materials management organizational concepts. Basic principles, policies, and procedures involved in requirement determination; procurement decision process; purchasing function; and materials management concept, organization, and philosophy. MAN 6581: Project Management (2) Role of manager in orga- nization and ways of structuring project organizations; funda- mentals of scheduling; time/cost tradeoffs, budgeting, and cost estimation; and monitoring. MAN 6599: Tactical Logistics Planning (3) Focus on distribu- tion value chain planning, tactical logistics decisions in vehicle routing, inventory management, and value chain contracts. MAN 6617: International Operations/Logistics (2) Global delivery/distribution channels, coordinating production/delivery operations in international markets, optimizing use of transpor- tation networks, and designing information/communications systems that span supply chain. MAN 6619: International Logistics (3) Strategic issues in managing international supply chains, managing of exchange rate and operating risks in global supply chains. QMB 6358: Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions I (2) Prereq: consent of instructor. Data application techniques with broad application to managerial problems. Emphasis on difficul- ties which can arise in the application of the techniques and in the interpretation of results. Experience in use of computerized procedures; may require substantial amount of case analysis. QMB 6359: Statistical Analysis for Managerial Decisions II (2) Prereq: QMB 6358 or consent of instructor. Data application techniques with emphasis placed on relationships that occur over time. Substantial amount of case analysis, as well as applications programming using industry standard software products. QMB 6607: Decision Processes Under Uncertainty I (2)