For more information, see the Interdisciplinary Graduate Studies
 section of this catalog.
 Applications: All applications for fall semester graduate
 admission, including official transcripts, GRE scores, and
 TOEFL scores, if necessary, must be received by the Office of
 the Registrar by February 1. In addition to satisfying University
 requirements for admission, applicants are required to submit
 to the Graduate Program Assistant, School of Architecture, 231
 ARCH, Box 115702, the following: a portfolio of their creative
 work; a scholarly statement of intent and objectives; and three
 letters of recommendation. This material must be received
 by February 1 to be considered for admission in the next fall
 semester. (Portfolio must be accompanied by self-addressed,
 stamped envelope.) Students may apply after the February 1
 deadline but will only be considered if spaces become available.
 (Updates of portfolios are accepted after February 1; however,
 applications will not be considered until they are complete.)
 The School reserves the right to retain student work for
 purposes of record, exhibition, or instruction. Field trips are
 required of all students; students should plan to have adequate
 funds available. It may be necessary to assess studio fees to defray
 costs of base maps and other generally used materials.
 The following courses are taught on a periodic schedule or by
 demand only.
 ARC 5791: Topics in Architectural History (3)
 ARC 5800: Survey of Architectural Preservation, Restoration,
 and Reconstruction (3)
 ARC 5810: Techniques of Architectural Documentation (3)
 Documentation, interpretation, and maintenance issues relating
 to historic structures.
 ARC 6176: Advanced Computer-Aided Design (3; max: 6)
 Focus on available hardware and software and their current and
 potential usefulness to the profession. Investigation of future
 directions in hardware and software development.
 ARC 6241: Advanced Studio I (1-9; max: 9) Architecture as
 function of human action program and use) and potentials
 inherent in construction (structure and material); relationship
 between ritual and built form, culminating in a highly resolved
 spatial order.
 ARC 6242: Research Methods (2) Prereq: Required of all graduate
 students as preparation for thesis.
 ARC 6280: Advanced Topics in Architectural Practice (3; max:
 6) Contemporary practice models analyzed.
 ARC 6281: Professional Practice (3) Principles and processes of
 office practice management, investment and financing, project
 phases, building cost estimation, contracts.
 ARC 6355: Advanced Studio II (6) Relation between the
 tectonic and the experience of place; emphasis on the joint, the
 detail, the tactile reading of architecture-culminating in a highly
 resolved tectonic order.
 ARC 6356: Advanced Studio III (6) Development of design
 methods for synthesizing specialized aspects of architectural
 practice such as human behavior and space programming, envi-
 ronmental control and energy use, structures and materials of
 construction, project management, preservation and reuse of
 historic structures, theoretical and philosophical areas of inquiry.
 ARC 6357: Advanced Topics in Architectural Design (3;
 max: 6) Focus on expanding familiar concepts in conception
 and production of architecture. Examination of potential for
 program to generate architectonic form, bringing multidisci-
 plinary approach to historical manifestations.
 ARC 6391: Architecture, Energy, and Ecology (3) Integration

of energetic and environmental influences on architectural
ARC 6393: Advanced Architectural Connections (3) An
analysis of architectural connections and details relative to
selected space, form, and structural systems.
ARC 6399: Advanced Topics in Urban Design (3; max: 6)
Impact of cultural, sociological, economic, and technologi-
cal transformations of both historic urban form and newly
developed urban areas.
ARC 6505: Architectural Structural Systems: Wood, Steel,
and Concrete (4) Prereq: ARC 3503 or equivalent. Structural
components as part of building system. Introduction to typical
building components.
ARC 6576: Architectural Structures (3) Analysis and behavior
of reinforced concrete, prestress, masonry, foundations, steel, and
suspension systems.
ARC 6611: Advanced Topics in Architectural Technology (3;
max: 6) Focus on structures, materials, construction systems,
or environmental technology. Examination of determination
of architectural form by available technologies and inventions
throughout history.
ARC 6642: Architectural Acoustics Design Laboratory (3)
Coreq: ARC 6643. Theory and practice of architectural acoustics
in the solution to design problems.
ARC 6643: Architectural Acoustics (3) Theory, practice, and
application of acoustics in architecture.
ARC 6670: Lighting Design Seminar (3; max: 6) Design
problems investigating theoretical, conceptual, and practical
applications of illumination systems through speculative and
analytical inquiry.
ARC 6685: Life Safety, Sanitation, and Plumbing Systems (3)
Design problems investigating the theory, practice, and applica-
tions of fire safety, movement, sanitation, and plumbing systems
in architecture.
ARC 6711: Architecture of the Ancient World (3) Key built
works from Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Meso-American
civilizations. Emphasis on understanding both cultural context
for these works and construction technologies utilized in their
making. Examination of their use as ruins and their contempo-
rary meanings.
ARC 6750: Architectural History: America (3) Development
of American architecture and the determinants affecting its
function, form, and expression.
ARC 6793: Architectural History: Regional (3) Group and
individual studies of architecture unique to specific geographic
ARC 6805: Architectural Conservation (3) A multidisciplinary
study, supervised by an architectural professor and another
professor from an appropriate second discipline, in the science of
preserving historic architecture, utilizing individual projects.
ARC 6821: Preservation Problems and Processes (3)
Preservation in the larger context. Establishing historic districts;
procedures and architectural guidelines for their protection.
ARC 6822: Preservation Programming and Design (3)
Architectural design focusing on compatibility within the fabric
of historic districts and settings.
ARC 6851: Technology of Preservation: Materials and
Methods I (3) Materials, elements, tools, and personnel of
traditional building.
ARC 6852: Technology of Preservation: Materials and
Methods II (3) Prereq: ARC 6851. Preservation of twentieth-
century structures.