examination or at the final oral defense of the thesis or
 dissertation, using modern communication technology to
 participate rather than being physically present.

 Preparation for Final Term
 The student is responsible for meeting all
 requirements and observing every deadline. Deadlines
 are given in the front of this catalog and in the Graduate
 Student Handbook.
 When the thesis or dissertation is ready to be put in final
 form, the student should consult the Guide for Preparing
 Theses and Dissertations (
 editorial/introduction.html) and work with the ETD lab
 ( Students must also file
 a degree application with the Office of the University
 Registrar (222 Criser Hall) at the start of the final term
 and must meet minimum registration requirements.

 Verification of Degree Candidate Status
 This service is not provided during the last 3 weeks
 before graduation. However, students who before that
 time have completed all requirements for the degree,
 including the final examination report and final acceptance
 of the thesis or dissertation, may request verification to
 that effect. Verification of Degree Candidate Status (http://
 request forms should be filled out by the candidate, signed
 by the supervisory committee chair, department chair,
 college dean, and Graduate School Editorial Office (160
 Grinter); then given to Graduate Student Records (106
 Grinter) for verification and processing.
 Although a student may have fulfilled academic
 requirements, the degree is not awarded until the Graduate
 School certifies the degree to the University Registrar. That
 is done at the end of Fall, Spring, and Summer C terms
 for all students who applied to graduate. Some employers
 and licensure boards require the degree statement on the
 transcript, which is available about 3 days after certification
 in December, May, and August.

 Awarding of Degrees
 The Graduate School authorizes a candidate to be
 awarded the degree appropriate to the course of study
 under the following conditions (see degree descriptions for
 1. The candidate must have completed all course
 requirements, including an internship or practicum if
 required, in the major and minor fields; observing time
 limits and limitations on transfer credit, on nonresident
 work, and on level of course work.
 2. The candidate's grade average must be at least B (3.00,
 truncated) in the major and in all work attempted
 in the graduate program, including a minor where
 appropriate. All grades of I, H, and X must be resolved.
 Grades of I, X, D, E, and U require a written petition
 to the Dean of the Graduate School.

3. The candidate must have satisfactorily completed all
 required examinations (qualifying, comprehensive,
 and final) and be recommended for the degree by
 the supervisory committee, major academic unit, and
4. The dissertation or, if required, thesis or equivalent
 project must have been approved by the supervisory
 committee and accepted by the Graduate School.
5. Recommendations for awarding a degree include
 meeting all academic and professional qualifications as
 judged by the faculty of the appropriate academic unit.
6. All requirements for the degree must be met while the
 candidate is a registered graduate student.
 Degrees are certified 3 times per year: December, May,
and August.

Attendance at Commencement
 Graduates who are to receive advanced degrees are urged
to attend Commencement to accept in person the honor
indicated by the appropriate hood. Through the University
Bookstore, the student may arrange to rent or buy the
proper academic attire to be worn at Commencement.

Requirements for Master's

 The master's degree is conferred only on completing a
coherent and focused program of advanced study. Each
academic unit sets its own minimum degree requirements
beyond the minimum required by the Graduate School.

General Regulations
 Graduate School regulations are as follows. Colleges
and academic units may have additional regulations
beyond those stated below. Unless otherwise indicated
in the next sections on master's degrees, these general
regulations apply to all master's degree programs at the
 Course requirements: Graduate credit is awarded
for courses numbered 5000 and above. The program of
course work for a master's degree must be approved by
the student's adviser, supervisory committee, or faculty
representative of the academic unit. No more than 9
credits from a previous master's degree program may
apply toward a second master's degree. These credits are
applied only with the written approval of the Dean of the
Graduate School.
 Major: Work in the major must be in courses
numbered 5000 or above. For work outside the major, 6
credits of courses numbered 3000 or above may be taken if
part of an approved plan of study.
 Minor: Minor work must be in an academic unit other
than the major. If a minor is chosen, at least 6 credits of
work are required in the minor field. Two 6-credit minors
may be taken with the major academic unit's permission. A
3.00 GPA is required for minor credit.