hardware and software appropriate to the degree program. Basic competency in using a computer is required for graduation; class assignments may require using a computer, academic advising and registration can be done by computer, and University correspondence is often sent by e-mail. The University offers limited access to computers through its computer labs, but most students are expected to purchase or lease a computer that is capable of dial-up or network connection to the Internet, graphic access to the World Wide Web, and productivity functions such as word processing and spreadsheet calculations. For details: http://www.circa.ufl.edu/computers. Most colleges have additional software requirements or recommendations. See their web pages for that information. Conditional Admission Students admitted as exceptions under the 10% waiver rule must present both an upper-division grade point average and Graduate Record Examination General Test score with their applications and meet all other criteria including excellent letters of recommendation from colleagues, satisfactory performance in a specified number of graduate courses taken as postbaccalaureate students, and/or practical experience in the discipline for a specified period of time. For students granted conditional admission to the Graduate School, final admission decisions are deferred for 1 term until requisite examination scores or final records are available. Students granted conditional admission need to have these conditions communicated to them by the academic unit admitting them. When these conditions are met, the academic unit must notify the student in writing, sending a copy to Graduate Student Records (106 Grinter, 392-4643). Eligible course work taken while a student is in conditional status may apply toward the graduate degree. Students failing to meet any condition of admission are barred from further registration. Residency Florida Administrative code Classification of Students: Florida or Non-Florida (6A-10.044, Florida Administrative Code) Residency for Tuition Purposes. The State Board of Community Colleges and the Board of Education shall maintain consistent policies and practices for classifying students as residents for tuition purposes to facilitate the transfer of students among institutions. Policies and practices may vary to accommodate differences in governance, but determinations of classification shall be consistent to assure students of being classified the same regardless of the institution determining the classification. ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL (1) Classification of a student as a Florida resident for tuition purposes by a public Florida community college or university shall be recognized by other public postsecondary institutions the student later seeks admission to, unless the classification was erroneous or the student did not then qualify as a resident for tuition purposes. (2) Once a student is classified by a public institution, institutions the student may transfer to are not required to reevaluate the classification unless inconsistent information suggests that an erroneous classification was made or the student's situation has changed. (3) Changes the State Board of Community Colleges and the Board of Education intend to make in the policies and practices for classifying students as residents for tuition purposes shall be filed with the Articulation Coordinating Committee. (4) Non-U.S. citizens such as permanent residents, parolees, asylees, refugees, or other permanent status persons (e.g., conditional permanent residents and temporary residents), who have applied to and have been approved by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service with no date certain for departure shall be considered eligible to establish Florida residency for tuition purposes. In addition, nonimmigrants holding one of the following visas shall be considered eligible to establish Florida residency for tuition purposes. Persons in visa categories not listed herein shall be considered ineligible to establish Florida residency for tuition purposes. (a) Visa category A: Government official. (b) Visa category E: Treaty trader or investor. (c) Visa category G: Representative of international organization. (d) Visa category H-1: Temporary worker performing nursing services or a specialty occupation. (e) Visa category H-4: Only if spouse or child of alien classified H-1. (f) Visa category I: Foreign information media representative. (g) Visa category K: Fianc6, fiance, or a child of United States citizenss. (h) Visa category L: Intracompany transferee (including spouse or child). (i) Visa category N: Parent or child of alien accorded special immigrant status. (j) Visa category 0-1: Workers of "extraordinary" ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics. (k) Visa category 0-3: Only if spouse or child of alien classified 0-1. (1) Visa category R: Religious workers. (m)Visa category NATO-1-7: Representatives and employees of NATO and their families.