INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING / 195 conditions of variational calculus. Pontryagin's maximum principle, continuous and discrete. Comparison of variational approach and dynamic programming from a computational point of view. ISE 604-LINEAR PROGRAMMING 3 credits Prerequisite: Matrix theory. Theoretical and computational aspects of the simplex method. Duality theory, parametric analysis, sensitivity analysis, and selected topics. ISE 605-EXTENSIONS OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING 3 credits Prerequisites: ISE 601, ISE 604. Algorithmic extensions of the simplex method of linear programming. Large-scale linear programs. Extensions to nonlinear problems. ISE 606-NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING 3 credits Prerequisites: ISE 601, ISE 605. Optimization techniques for static and dynamic nonlinear systems subject to various constraints. Inequality theorems, geometric programming, convex programming, decomposition, and optimum seeking methods. ISE 607-FLOWS IN NETWORKS 3 credits Prerequisite: ISE 604. Mathematical formulations and solution techniques for general flow problems. Applications to transportation, defense, and communication networks. ISE 608-DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION THEORY 3 credits Prerequisite: ISE 604. Mathematical modeling and optimization theory associated with problems with variables restricted to integer values. Algorithms for general classes of problems and for special applications. ISE 610-MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF INVENTORY 3 credits Prerequisites: ISE 671, STA 660. Mathematical theory of inventory systems. Single- and multicommodity inventory problems analyzed as problems in dynamic programming and as Markov decision processes. ISE 611-INDUSTRIAL DYNAMICS 1 3 credits Prerequisites: Computer programming and probability theory. Dynamics of industrial systems, emphasizing models that incorporate decision making, its interactions with information, money, orders, material, personnel, and capital equipment, using theories of elementary feedback systems, difference equations, and probability. ISE 612-INDUSTRIAL DYNAMICS 2 3 credits Prerequisite: ISE 611. Continuation of ISE 611 to include dynamic simulation models, improvement of system behavior through changes in system structure and decision policy, and the interpretation of simulation results relative to system objective. ISE 620--GAMES AND GAMING 3 credits Prerequisites: Matrix theory, probability theory. Games in extensive and normal form. Two-person games. Formulation of two-person games as a linear programming problem. Cooperative and noncooperative games. Concepts and methods of gaming, including experimental management gaming. ISE 621-ADVANCED ENGINEERING ECONOMY 3 credits Prerequisites: STA 440, ISE 571. Mathematical models for expenditure analysis under uncertainty. Relationship between investment decision criteria and microeconomic theory. Capital planning and budgeting. Decisions involving expansion, acquisitions, replacement, and disinvestment. ISE 622-DECISION THEORY 3 credits Prerequisites: ISE 621, ISE 671. Formulation of decision criteria and decision strategies in a probabilistic environment. Industrial applications of input-output analysis and von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theory. Statistical decision functions. ISE 630--ADVANCED PRODUCTION CONTROL 3 credits Prerequisites: ISE 571, ISE 671. Production planning and control; problem identification and formulation. ISE 631-WORK MEASUREMENT THEORY 3 credits Prerequisites: ISE 330, ISE 470, STA 440. Systems of work measurement and work methods. Comparisons of systems.