174/ FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION FRC 611-SEMINAR I credit Subjects in natural resource areas such as wildlife and forest ecology; physiology, soils, recreation, economics; wood properties and uses. Current research and literature are stressed. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 3 credits. Graded as S/U. FRC 612-ToPIcs IN FORESTRY I to 5 credits Selected topics in the forest sciences and the multiple-use management of forest land for timber production, wildlife, and recreation. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 9 credits. FRC 614-NATURAL RESOURCES COLLOQUIUM 0 to I credit Interdisciplinary discussions of topics of current interest to renewable natural resources and environmental quality. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 3 credits. (Students making scheduled presentations may register for 1 credit; others register for zero credit.) FRC 615-FOREST AND RANGE WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 1 4 credits Major ecosystems in the U.S. for forest and range animals. Plant and animal components and their relation to reproductive patterns and factors controlling wild animal populations. FRC 616-FOREST AND RANGE WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 2 4 credits Continuation of FRC 615. FRC 618-TROPICAL FORESTRY 4 credits Prerequisite: FRC 403. Forests of the tropics, climatic influences, local laws and customs affecting forestry practice, multiple-use implications, wood properties and uses in relation to forest development, forest types and management; stress on American tropics. FRC 620-ADVANCED PHYSIOLOGY OF FOREST TREES 3 credits Prerequisite: BTY 515. Factors influencing forest tree and stand energy balance, flowering, seed production, germination, water relations and growth; applications to forestry problems. FRC 621-BIOCHEMISTRY OF TREES 3 credits Identical with BTY 611. Prerequisite: BCH 403. Metabolic processes and constituents associated with tree growth, reproduction, formation of wood, terpene and other natural products. Formation of important forest tree chemicals. FRC 626-FOREST GENETICS 1 4 credits Prerequisite: An acceptable background in genetics. Application of principles of genetics in the silvicultural handling of forest stands; selection, hybridization, and tree-breeding techniques. FRC 627-FOREST GENETICS 2 4 credits Continuation of FRC 626. FRC 630-FOREST SOILS 4 credits Identical with SLS 630. Prerequisites: SLS 421, SLS 423, FRC 403. Soil as a component of forest ecosystems. Soil chemical, physical, and biological properties influencing tree growth and biogeochemical cycles. FRC 631-ADVANCED WOOD PRESERVATION 4 credits Relationships between wood and wood-deteriorating agencies; evaluation and analysis of preservatives; factors involved in treating wood; treatment and service evaluation. FRC 652-TIMBER PHYSICS 3 credits Prerequisite: PS 215. Physical nature and properties of wood in relation to moisture, heat, sound, electricity, and mechanical forces. FRC 653-WOOD CHEMISTRY 3 credits Prerequisite: Organic chemistry. Chemical nature and properties of wood and its constituents in relation to industrial processing. FRC 680-ADVANCED FOREST ECONOMICS 4 credits