FOREST RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION / 173 FOREST RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION (College of Agriculture) GRADUATE FACULTY 1972-73 J. L. GRAY, Director; G. W. CORNWELL; P. W. FRAZER; R. E. GODDARD; L. D. HARRIS; J. B. HUFFMAN; C. M. KAUFMAN; J. W. MILLER, JR.; D. M. POST; W. L. PRITCHETT; R. A. SCHMIDT; W. H. SMITH; R. G. STANLEY; E. T. SULLIVAN; K. R. SWINFORD; L. D. WHITE Graduate Coordinator: R. E. GODDARD The School offers work leading to the degree of Master of Science in Forestry in the following fields: forestry, wildlife management, and forest products technology. The Doctor of Philosophy degree may be earned in forest genetics, forest tree physiology, forest soils, forest entomology, forest pathology, and wildlife ecology through the Departments of Agronomy, Botany, Soil Science, Entomology and Nematology, Plant Pathology, and Zoology, respectively. Prerequisites: Adequate preparation in biology, English, chemistry, and mathematics, which may be obtained by completing at least one year's work in each field. Students with a background other than forestry may be required to take undergraduate forestry courses pertinent to their field of interest early in their graduate program. Such courses are considered foundation work and carry no graduate credit. COURSES FOR ADVANCED UNDERGRADUATES AND GRADUATES FRC 500-INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH PLANNING FOR RESOURCE DECISIONS 4 credits FRC 509-WOOD STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES 5 credits FRC 528-ADVANCED FOREST MENSURATION 5 credits FRC 536-WATERFOWL ECOLOGY 5 credits FRC 550-METHODS IN NATURAL RESOURCE INTERPRETATION 4 credits FRC 560-RANGE ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT 5 credits FRC 561-RANGE ECOSYSTEM PLANNING 4 credits GRADUATE COURSES FRC 600-RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN FORESTRY 3 to 9 credits Problems in one or more of the following fields of forestry: economics, management, pathology, policy, recreation, silviculture, tree physiology. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. FRC 603-RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN WOOD UTILIZATION 3 to 9 credits May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 9 credits. FRC 605-RESEARCH METHODS IN WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 4 credits Field and laboratory procedures used in wildlife research. FRC 606-RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN WILDLIFE ECOLOGY 3 to 9 credits May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 9 credits.