138/ FIELDS OF INSTRUCTION B. MYERS; A. P. NEWCOMB, JR.; W. OLSON; D. Y. ROBERTS; A. B. SMITH III; E. A. TODD; J. L. WATTENBARGER; E. L. WILLIAMS; D. L. WILMOT CROSS-DEPARTMENTAL COURSES FOR SPECIAL AREAS College and Community Curriculum College Teaching and Instruction ED 603 ED 600 ED 640 ED 700 ED 641 ED 701 ED 642 ED 740 ED 743 ED 741 ED 742 ED 750 GRADUATE COURSES ED 600-THE SCHOOL CURRICULUM 4 credits Philosophic and research bases underlying the development of the total school program from kindergarten through community college. Basic curriculum course for graduate students. Required in all graduate programs in Curriculum and Instruction. ED 601-THE EMERGENT MIDDLE SCHOOL 4 credits Program, organization, and rationale of the newly emerging middle school in American school districts. ED 603-THE COMMUNITY JUNIOR COLLEGE IN AMERICA 4 credits Programs, issues, and problems of the community junior college. ED 604-PRACTICUM IN MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION 4 credits Prerequisites: Eligibility for regular rank III certificate in elementary, middle or secondary school teaching; 27 credits in English language arts, mathematics, science or social studies; a course in the teaching of reading; ED 601 (may be corequisite). Supervised experiences in middle schools, including participation in program development, teaching and evaluation. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits. May be taken for 12 hours with ED 601 (4 hours) for middle school certification. ED 620-THE EDUCATION OF CULTURALLY DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN AND YOUTH 4 credits Curriculum content and procedures pertinent to the educational needs of culturally disadvantaged children and youth. ED 630-INDIVIDUAL WORK 2 to 5 credits For advanced students who wish to study individual problems under faculty guidance. Before registering in this course, a student must have approval of the proposed project. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 15 credits. ED 633-METHODS AND PROBLEMS OF SUPERVISION 4 credits Prerequisite: EDA 631. Methods of improving instruction. ED 634-GROUP PROCESS IN EDUCATION 4 credits Group organization and operation, with opportunity to develop skills in group leadership and interpretation of group interaction. ED 640-AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION 4 credits History, philosophy, and policies of America's institutions of higher education, with emphasis on current practices and problems. ED 641-PRACTICUM IN COLLEGE TEACHING 1 4 credits Prior arrangements must be made with the coordinating professor of the College of