30/THE GRADUATE SCHOOL This degree requires a minimum of 45 quarter hours of graduate work beyond the master's degree and thus falls midway between the master's and Ph.D. in the amount of work required. No minimum residence requirement is stipulated. It is not to be considered as a partial requirement toward the Ph.D. degree. The student's objective after the master's degree should be the Ph.D. or the Engineer degree. ADMISSION TO THE PROGRAM.-To be admitted to the program, students must have completed a master's degree in engineering at an accredited institution approved by the Graduate School of the University of Florida. The student must apply for admission to the Graduate School if he has not previously done so. The master's degree is regarded as the essential foundation for the Engineer degree. COURSE AND RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS.-A total registration in an approved program of at least 45 quarter credit hours beyond the master's degree is required. This minimum requirement must be earned through the University of Florida. These credits may be completed in any graduate program administered by the College of Engineering. The last 45 quarter credit hours must be completed within five calendar years. SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE.-Each student admitted to the program will be advised and counseled by a supervisory committee. The committee consists of at least three members. At least two members are selected from the major department and at least one from a supporting department. All committee members will be members of the graduate faculty. In addition, every effort should be made to have a representative from industry on each supervisory committee. This committee will inform the student of all regulations pertaining to the program. The committee is nominated by the department chairman, approved by the Dean of the College of Engineering, and appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. The Dean of the Graduate School is an ex officio member of all supervisory committees and should be notified in writing in advance of all committee meetings. This committee will inform the student of all regulations pertaining to the degree and his situation. If a thesis or report is a requirement in the plan of study, then the committee will approve the proposed thesis or report and the plans for carrying it out. The committee will also conduct the final examination when the plan of study is completed. PLAN OF STUDY.-The plan of study will permit from 9 to 15 quarter credit hours of thesis research in a course numbered 699. The thesis is not a requirement, but the option rests with the department involved and the supervisory committee. Each plan of study is developed on an individual basis for each student. Thus, there are no specific requirements for the major or minor; each student is considered as a separate case. ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY.-The student must apply for admission to candidacy no later than the beginning of the term in which he is to graduate. If a thesis is required, the topic must also have been approved by his supervisory committee. THESIS.-The thesis should represent performance at a level above that ordinarily associated with the master's degree. It should clearly be an original