minor in departments other than the major may be authorized by the supervisory
committee or program adviser. Major courses must be graduate level (numbered
600 and above) or courses approved for graduate major credit. Courses
numbered 300 and above may be taken for the minor.
 DEGREE CREDIT.-In order to qualify for course work toward the Master of
Engineering degree, a student must first be admitted to the Graduate School at
the University of Florida. The amount of course work toward this degree that
may be taken at an off-campus center will depend upon the student's individual
program and the courses provided through the center.
 EXAMINATIONS.-A student seeking the Master of Engineering degree with
or without thesis is required to pass a comprehensive oral or written examination
at the completion of his course work. A student who takes less than half his
course work on the Gainesville campus will be required to pass a comprehensive
written examination administered on the University of Florida campus by an
examining committee recommended by the Dean of the College of Engineering
and appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. At least one member of the
examining committee must be either the student's program adviser or a member
of his supervisory committee. If a minor is taken, another member must be
chosen from outside the major department to represent the student's minor.
 Examination requirements for the Master of Science degree are covered in
the preceding section under Master of Arts and Master of Science.

 The degree of Master of Fine Arts is designed primarily for those who wish
 to prepare themselves as teachers of art in colleges and universities.
 Specialization is offered in art history, ceramics, creative photography, drawing,
 painting, printmaking, and sculpture. Two years' residence is normally required
 for completion of requirements, and the M.F.A. is generally accepted as the
 terminal degree in the studio area.
 The requirements for the M.F.A. are the same as those for the Master of
 Arts with thesis except as follows:
 1. The minimum registration required is 72 credits, including no fewer than
 63 credits in regular course work and 9 credits in ART 699-Master's Research.
 2. The course work must include ART 500-Methods of Research and
 Bibliography-4 credits; ART 611 and ART 621-Seminar: Problems in the
 History, Theory, and Criticism of Art-4 credits each; a minimum of 32 credits
 in the major and a minimum of 9 credits in a minor. The remaining credits may
 be taken in advanced courses in art history, ceramics, creative photography,
 drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, or a minor.

 The program leading to the degree of Master of Health Education is
 designed to meet the need for advanced preparation of health educators to serve
 in positions of leadership in schools and communities.
 WORK REQUIRED.-A minimum of 51 credits of course work is required,
 of which at least 50 percent must be graduate-level courses in health