Continuing Education) may not be transferred to the University of Florida for
 graduate credit.
 the graduate residence centers established in the state. Degree programs to which
 residence center work may be applied are Master of Agriculture, Master of
 Education, Master of Engineering, Master of Business Administration, Master of
 Physical Education, and Master of Health Education. The amount of credit
 acceptable for transfer to a degree program varies according to the degree sought.
 For regulations governing the use of residence center work in the degree programs
 named, see below, under requirements for specific degrees.

 Passing grades for graduate students are A, B, C, and S (satisfactory). Courses
 with the grades of D, E, U (unsatisfactory), I (incomplete), X (absent from
 examination), EW (dropped for nonattendance or unsatisfactory work), or WF
 (withdrew failing) cannot be used to satisfy any of the requirements of a
 graduate degree. Grade points are determined by equating the grade for each
 quarter hour as follows: A with 4, B with 3, C with 2, D with 1, and E, I, X,
 EW, and WF with 0. Grade points are not designated for S and U grades.
 Averages are computed by dividing the total number of grade points earned by
 the total number of credits attempted at the University of Florida. Hours for
 grades of S and U and hours for ASC 641, 642, and 643 are not considered in
 calculating a grade-point average.
 Grades of S and U are the only grades that can be awarded to students
 registered in courses numbered 697 (Supervised Research), 698 (Supervised
 Teaching), 699 (Master's Research), and 799 (Doctoral Research). Additional
 courses for which S and U grades apply are noted in departmental course offerings.
 Admission to candidacy for a graduate degree and the award of such a degree
 depend (among other requirements) upon maintenance of an average grade of B
 (3.0) or higher both for all work. attempted and for all 600- and 700-level work
 attempted in the major. Any grade of I or X must be removed by completing all
 required work. Incomplete grades for nonrequired courses may remain on a
 student's record (permanent) only if approved by the appropriate department and
 college, and provided that an overall average of B (3.0) is maintained, including
 incomplete grades.

 Any graduate student may be denied further registration in the University orin
his graduate major if his progress toward the completion of his planned program
becomes unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory progress has been defined by the Graduate
Council to include failure to maintain an accumulative grade average of B in all
work attempted in the Graduate School at the University of Florida.

 Graduate students already admitted for work in one department who wish to
transfer to another department within the same college, or students who wish to