78 STUDENT HANDBOOK a charge for In recent years the role and importance of exceence* higher education has been recognized as a neces- exelene sary element of the orderly growth of the state and the nation. The members of university com- munities have traditionally recognized their individual responsibilities in the development of a mature and sophisticated society. Recognizing that the University of Florida is a center of academic, mental, and cultural de- velopment of great importance to the state and nation, it is imperative that each member of the University Community understand his role in the fulfillment of the responsibilities of the Univer- sity to the society of which it is a part. Although the primary goal of any university community is to foster an atmosphere of academic excellence, the Student Body of the University of Florida has come to expect from all members of the University Community a standard of excel- lence in areas other than, but correlative to, academic development. The University of Florida cannot adequately discharge the mandate of the society which it serves unless high standards of excellence in academic and personal develop- ment, civic responsibility, and interpersonal re- lationships are adhered to by each of its citizens. To this end the Student Body of the Univer- sity of Florida charges each and every member of the University Community to: 1) display the high level of maturity and good judgment requisite to the mainte- nance of an orderly academic community; 2) recognize the civic responsibilities incum- bent upon them in a society which looks to its universities for leadership; *Adopted by a resolution of the Legislative Council of the University of Florida Student Government on December 5, 1967.