PART II These clubs encourage recreation for leisure, intraclub competition, and a limited amount of competition between schools. Facilities and equip- ment are furnished for the above clubs. The third feature of the Intramural Program is that it encourages recreational leisure activity. The Intramural Department maintains and stocks four equipment check-out rooms around the cam- pus for the free use of equipment by students. These rooms are located in the Florida Gym- nasium, Graham Hall, Broward Hall and Norman Gymnasium. Facilities are provided where this equipment might be used. The type and location for these facilities are given below: NUMBER OF FACILITIES TYPE OF ACTIVITY LOCATION Archery Badminton Basketball Chess Cricket Fencing Free Play, (Softball, Football, Etc.) Gymnastics 1 Handball 4 16 4 Indicates that club activities are ** Indicates that facilities have ligl Broward Hall * Norman Gym ** Florida Gym ** Hume Area Norman Gym ** Perry Field Florida Union * Fleming Field * Florida Gym * Hume Hall Norman Hall ** Schnell Field, Fraternity Row ** Upper Drill Field, West of Stadium Florida Gym ** Hume Area Murphree Area ** Norman Hall offered in this area. hts for evening use.