STUDENT HANDBOOK From a financial standpoint typical sorority membership includes: Pledge fee $ 30 Initiation fee $ 85 Dues per month $ 12 Quarter room rent for members in house $130 Food per month for those living in house $ 65 All sorority chapters have a housemother who lives in the house and are supervised by a local house corporation and an alumnae board. Sorority property is considered part of the cam- pus and chapter activities are subject to Univer- sity regulations. Freshmen and sophomore sorority members are under contract to live in University housing. For sophomore students, sorority housing is considered as University housing. The University of Florida Panhellenic Coun- cil does not discriminate as to race, creed, or national origin. All entering freshmen and trans- ferring women students are invited to participate in Fall rush. SThe sororities are governed by the Panhel- lenic Council which coordinates all inter-sorority activities and helps to promote cooperation and spirit among the women's groups. The Council, which is composed of sorority presidents and two delegates from each chapter, is bound by a con- stitution and bylaws. All groups are members of the National Panhellenic Conference. The Panhellenic Council establishes rules governing rushing, pledging, and the initiation of women. It also regulates the relationship of sororities among one another and toward the Council itself. The purpose of the Council is to maintain a high plane of sorority life, to further intellectual accomplishment and sound scholar- ship, and to cooperate with the university ad- ministration in the maintenance of high social standards.