LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES / 127 HY 651-UNITED STATES, ERA OF WORLD WAR I. 4 credits From U.S. entrance into World War I to U.S. entrance into World War II. HY 660-AFRICA. 4 credits May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. HY 670-HISTORICAL LITERATURE OF LATIN AMERICA 1. 4 credits HY 671-HISTORICAL LITERATURE OF LATIN AMERICA 2. 4 credits Continuation of HY 670. HY 672-BRAZIL. 4 credits May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. HY 673-SPANISH AMERICA. 4 credits May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. HY 681-READINGS IN CHINESE HISTORY. 4 credits HY 682-READINGS IN JAPANESE HISTORY. 4 credits HY 697-SUPERVISED RESEARCH. 1 to 5 credits Credit not applicable toward degree. May be repeated. HY 698-SUPERVISED TEACHING. 1 to 5 credits Credit not applicable toward degree. May be repeated. HY 699-MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0 to 15 credits. Maximum 30 credits HY 700-COMPARATIVE HISTORY. 4 credits May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 12 credits. HY 799-DOCTORAL RESEARCH. 1 to 15 credits LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES A description of the several graduate degree and certificate programs in Latin American Studies is contained in the section Special Programs and Fa- cilities. For courses that form part of the Latin American Program, additional to those listed below, consult the course offerings of the various departments in this catalog and the yearly Bulletin published by the Center for Latin American Studies. Copies of the Bulletin may be obtained from the Director, Latin American Center, Dr. W. E. Carter, 450 College Library. GRADUATE COURSES LA 640-LATIN AMERICAN AREA SEMINAR. 5 credits Prerequisite: Latin American area concentration. A multidisciplinary approach to Latin American topics. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 15 credits. LW 678-SEMINAR IN LAW AND DEVELOPMENT: LATIN AMERICA. 4 credits Prerequisite: LW 694. General survey of the legal systems of the American republics; problems of substantive law of selected countries. Reading knowledge of French, Portuguese, or Spanish is required. Open only to graduate students majoring outside the College of Law. Offered simultaneously with LW 677. LW 694-SEMINAR PREPARATION. 1 credit A prerequisite for each seminar. LA 699-MASTER'S RESEARCH. 0 to 15 credits. Maximum 30 credits LA 799-DOCTORAL RESEARCH. 1 to 15 credits Registration is limited to students enrolled in Doctor of Philosophy programs in the School of Inter-American Studies prior to the establishment of the Center for Latin American Studies.