ate courses are normally offered in Costa Rica or other tropical areas. Enroll-
 ment in these courses is limited, and selection of students is competitive among
 applicants from member universities. Living expenses and round trip transpor-
 tation between the place of residence and Costa Rica are provided participants
 by OTS. Funds are also available from OTS for support of research in tropi-
 cal areas. Financial support for OTS is provided by the member institutions,
 National Science Foundation, Agency for International Development and the
 Ford Foundation. Graduate courses are now offered in zoology, botany, geog-
 raphy, agriculture and forestry. Additional courses are under consideration.
 Interested students should consult their department chairman for additional in-

 The Division of Biological Sciences is organized on a cross-college basis to
 provide stimulation and coordination in the Biological Sciences. The Division,
 with a staff from many disciplines in the several colleges, has organized facul-
 ties in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Developmental Biology,
 Parasitology, Marine Biology, and Radiation Biology. Each faculty is respon-
 sible for developing and supervising a core program in its special area. In
 addition to the cross-college programs, the Division serves to coordinate
 biological science wherever it exists in the University. The departments of
 Zoology (with the area of Marine Science) in Arts and Sciences, Botany and
 Bacteriology in Agriculture, and Biological Science in the University College
 are specifically designated as administratively responsible to the Division of
 Biological Sciences.

 Recognizing its responsibilities to the industries, engineers, and residents
of Florida, the College of Engineering has established graduate engineering
education centers where qualified personnel may enroll in courses leading to
the master's degree. For admission to any of the graduate programs, the
prospective student must file an application with the Graduate School as
outlined in the Admissions Section of this Catalog. Off-campus centers are
presently located in Duval, Escambia, Bay, and Broward Counties.
 For additional information, visit the nearest local center, or write to the
Director, Engineering External Programs, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida 32601.

 This is an acronym for Graduate Engineering Education System. It con-
sists of a closed-circuit television system, provided with a talk-back feature
for student participation, regardless of location. There are both northbound
and southbound channels connecting satellite campuses at Daytona Beach,
Orlando, Port Canaveral, and West Palm Beach. Full-scale courses are offered
and lectures may originate and be transmitted from studios located at any of